In this captivating sequel to God Moments, best-selling Christian author Pastor Gale Kragt unfolds gripping tales from his mission work in the Honduran mountains and on the ground in Costa Rica. Experience the profound impact of divine intervention that not only changed his life but also touched the lives of those around him.
“While joining Pastor Gale on mission journeys, I have witnessed the undeniable accounts of supernatural provision, healing, favor, and salvation, which has left me with a greater hunger for more of the Fire of God in my life! As you read these accounts, I believe this book will leave you with a greater desire to genuinely walk with a heart of love and a craving to carry the power of God in such simplicity that you believe anything is possible every day as you walk out the supernatural with childlike faith.” ~Michelle Hutchison, LMSW, Founder of Resilient Minds Consulting, Consultant, Therapist, Speaker, and Trainer
“A beautiful way to begin your day! A blessing to read. God is revealing himself to us on these pages of joy and discovery. In our world of chaos, this book leads us beside “still waters.” Another beautiful storytelling journey by Gale Kragt, a devoted lover of Jesus!” ~Mary Asmonga-Knapp, MSW and Spiritual Director
Pastor Gale Kragt was a chaplain at three hospitals in Southwest Michigan. In addition, he attends Rhema Word Outreach Center and Ministries in Battle Creek, Michigan. Pastor Gale also does private consultanting and assists several churches in Hastings, Michigan, with their counseling needs. He has served as the Executive Director and Founder of the Spiritual Care Consultants of West Michigan in Hastings since 2007. (READ MORE)
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